Often you will choose the format of the institution after you find a suitable location for the restaurant. With this approach, you can focus on the target audience who will visit your institution. For example, if it will be a place near the office centers, then it makes sense to think about the institution with low prices and a wide variety of dishes so that the office workers could have lunch every day at your place. From the target audience depends on the subsequent promotion of your business. Let’s look in more detail, what is the best restaurant to open, and what types of such institutions there are.
Classification will be carried out on several parameters.
By format of operation. This can be: cafe restaurant or bar restaurant, and it can also be a variation of fast food and restaurant or institution of the expensive segment. It is important to clearly choose the concept of work, because of its choice will depend on the cost of opening a business that you will calculate the business plan for the restaurant.
Type of cuisine. This is the second step. Here the choice is wide, and it is the choice of the menu type of cuisine can set you apart from your competitors. The most popular are: Georgian, Italian, Japanese or French cuisine. There are entrepreneurs who look toward more exotic cuisine, such as cooking exclusively from seafood or vegan restaurants. But by choosing a narrow niche, you significantly reduce the number of target audience that will visit your restaurant.
The number of guests accepted. Usually, beginners open restaurants to the number of 50 guests, and the most popular format is the institutions up to 30 guests, because under such a number of visitors to find a room easier.
Price segment. Here you have to decide on the price tag of dishes in your institution. There is a rule: the closer the restaurant is to the center and the better it is repaired, the higher the price tag is. There are exceptions and on the outskirts may be a fashionable restaurant with a beautiful view of the lake or river, for example.
Here we can summarize, and give advice to beginners. Open better all format cafe restaurant with about 30 – 40 seats with medium and low price segment. Type of cuisine should be chosen on the basis of the audience, which is in the vicinity, or after an analysis of the market competitors.
If you choose this format, you will reduce the risks as much as possible and will be able to attract visitors in any case. If we consider luxury restaurants, there customers are very demanding and investments in the business is huge, and during the crisis is particularly irrelevant.
For a beginner, the most important thing – is to learn how to manage a small restaurant, and to bring it in the black, and then you can take on larger projects and attract investment from outside, but experience – it is a must have in this business idea.
A few more small tips
The format of the restaurant often depends on where you want to open it. For example, if your region is home to many foreigners of one nationality, you can safely open a restaurant with a focus on their national cuisine.
A beautiful interior design can attract a lot of visitors, and it is the flavor of the institution that will allow you to create the right atmosphere.
Also in cities, a mixture of restaurants and fast food are very popular. In such institutions, often dine employees of business centers, and many other people passing by. Plus, such facilities allow you to build a “democratic pricing policy,” due to the preparation of most of the dishes on the principle of the usual fast food, the same pancakes, hamburgers or pizza.